Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Honey Creek Acres

I am lying awake in my bed listening to the sounds of insects being zapped outside in my neighbour's yard. It's unsettling but familiar in the sense that it reminds me of lying awake listening to the bug zapper at my grandparents' old house in Ada, Michigan. It's a beautiful little town near Grand Rapids. I have a few pictures but they'll take some digging up. I'll share what I have at my immediate disposal (read: Interwebs) right now.

*UPDATED! Pics of Honey Creek Acres apres le jump*

 The covered bridge over the Thornapple River via Webshots

A view of the Grand River via Wiki Commons

Friday, June 11, 2010

Meet Pumpkin!

This is my little sister with the newest member of my family! Little Pumpkin is just 7 weeks old but she's quite the character :) More pics to come!

In other news, I am in the midst of working on another furniture reno project, which I will be soon posting a little more about in the projects section.

News from the farm is also incoming :) I have some pictures of my seedlings to share :) It will have to wait until tomorrow though, because the files are on my laptop (which is currently refusing to connect to the Internet).

And lastly, there's a new layout in town. Since my html skills are pretty abysmal I am actually really pleased with how it looks. Thanks to Blogger Template Designer ;) Any feedback is of course appreciated!

Alright, I gotta get on the subway and make my way home. Cheers!

*Update: some more glamour shots of our kitty after the jump