This is my little sister with the newest member of my family! Little Pumpkin is just 7 weeks old but she's quite the character :) More pics to come!
In other news, I am in the midst of working on another furniture reno project, which I will be soon posting a little more about in the projects section.
News from the farm is also incoming :) I have some pictures of my seedlings to share :) It will have to wait until tomorrow though, because the files are on my laptop (which is currently refusing to connect to the Internet).
And lastly, there's a new layout in town. Since my html skills are pretty abysmal I am actually really pleased with how it looks. Thanks to Blogger Template Designer ;) Any feedback is of course appreciated!
Alright, I gotta get on the subway and make my way home. Cheers!
*Update: some more glamour shots of our kitty after the jump