Watching the Caps-Habs game. Just witnessed Gorges getting caught in the face by a slapper from Green :( Poor guy, that looked like it got the side of his face and maybe a bit of his ear. I hope he'll be ok. I am currently lying in bed recovering from what I can't even properly classify as food-poisoning. I have quite literally been in bed all day. It's gross.
So what happened? Well dearies I'm so glad you asked :P Yesterday I woke up feeling like I was on the verge of getting a cold. Now I just had a pretty epic one in January so I really wasn't looking forward to an encore. My solution? Why Cold-FX of course! Now the scientific data might say oterwise, but I've had pretty good luck with Cold-FX. So theoretically this boosted my immune system when I took it before dinner. Boy and I prepared some steak and I made a quinoa salad with heirloom tomatoes (yummmm). Now to backtrack, we'd also picked up some kefir earlier at the grocery store. I'd hear quite a bit about kefir's health benefits from a dear friend and also from my Polish relatives. Kefir is really popular in eastern europe; it's like drinkable yogourt but with a much higher bacteria (good bacteria) count and loads of vitamins and good enzymes. The problem? I seem to have committed virtually every no-no in the book on taking kefir. And lord did I ever pay for it.
Fortunately the boy has been an absolute saint. Somehow he was not put off by the site of me wandering deliriously around his room in only a tshirt while I searched for a face-wiping implement. And he didn't question the fact that I'd dumped all of his recyclables out on the floor so I could use the bin to catch my stomach contents. Aaand he immediately complied when I told him he had leave the room immediately so I could puke my guts out some more. Aaaand he made me ginger tea and got me peptobismol. Aaand he sympathized with me while I mumbled "how am I so fucked up that I can't keep down peptobismol?"...while I puked up the peptobimol. He also was not put off by me panicking at when he tried to comfort me with a cuddle. I was so nauseated that I just remember telling him that he should go away because I needed the entire bed to writhe in agony....oh and that I hated his cologne because it was making me feel even more sick. Yeah I was a party last night. I tend to turtle up when I something's wrong with my stomach-I don't want anything to do with anyone....if I call you for help you know that I am truly dying.
Fortunately I woke up this morning feeling much better-aka not covered in my own vomit. Boy was relieved that my comic grumpyness had returned because in his words "aw sweetheart your rage is back, you must be feeling better :) ". I haven't managed anything more than some chicken soup today though-food and I are on hiatus. Though I generally feel better, I'm still so weak and afraid to eat/drink the wrong thing that I've pretty much spent the entire day in bed resting. It's been good except for the extreme boredom and pressure headaches I get from lying down for too long. I cannot wait to feel better.
Anyhow that's my story. Hopefully I'll be up and at it tomorrow and able to do more than whine :P Hope any reders out there are having a better day than I had. Take care :)
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