Thursday, November 25, 2010

Oh the Joys of Insomnia and Self-Absorption

Every once in a little while I have one of those nights during which I just cannot fall asleep. When this happens, I...well, I usually just get irrationally angry and post on Blogger. Also, like most logical individuals, I will then keep myself up trying to come up with plausible reasons for my insomnia. Or I will waste time by browsing the internet until about an hour before I have to get up. Lately, however, I have been having trouble trying to get my brain to focus on anything at all. I feel as though I am trying to think my way out of an a-ha video; all of my thoughts are sketchy and fragmented. I don't know exactly why (there I go again), but I am pretty sure that it has to do with my anxiety towards joblessness/school. Sure, I have plenty of schoolwork to keep my brain occupied, but nothing that really gets me excited about life. I am hoping that my brain just feels lazy because it's so out of practice, and that with time I'll be able to think clearly again and feel a more full range of emotions. Actually, any emotions besides "meh" and "ugh" would be a welcome change from the mental static that I've been experiencing lately. I feel listless. I feel...rusty. So rusty, in fact, that I have apparently decided that sharing my ennui with you is the best possible use of both our time. Brava moi. I think. Maybe. Ugh.

Btw yes, I realize how self-indulgent all of this whining is. I'm working on it.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sweet Louisiana We Have a Problem...

I seem to have developed a rather nasty case of True Blood addiction. All it took was one episode. One measly episode and I was left staring at the screen, completely slack-jawed, a puddle of drool forming at my feet. I've been in a stupor ever since.

How bad is it? Well to begin with, I've ordered a box set of the Southern Vampire series on which the show was based. I've watched every single episode in the space of a week. I've frantically scrolled through countless "insider" predictions on what will be going down in next week's Season 3 finale (I want to know what's going to happen to Eric, the obscenely hot Viking vampire).

Side note: Ok let's examine this. Viking vampire. Best mixture of genres EVER. I'm pretty sure that the only way to top that combo is like...urban cowboy vampire. Oh wait. Ok how about Jesus vampire? Oh yeah well I guess Godric counts... You know the only place they can go from here is guido vamp. Son of a b***h, are you telling me that's been done too?

As you can see from all of this inane rambling, I have a major problem. So, in an effort to save others my suffering, I've come up with a list of several criteria which predispose one to True Blood Addiction. If you fall under one or more of these categories, run far far away from human civilization and go live in a cave. Trust me on this one, kids, it's for the best. Ready? Alright here we go..

Saturday, August 28, 2010

In the Pink

Good evening/early morning :) As you might have noticed, I've changed the design/layout a little/lot. I have no particular reasoning, just that I feel like we all look a little better surrounded by pink :) There are limits, however, to what I can do with blogger templates and mediocre html skills, so thank you for your patience while I work on improving this blog.

Anyhow, I've got some other writing to be doing right now so I'll keep this entry short. I just wanted to post some pictures I took of these really cute poppies which popped up (heh) unexpectedly in my garden this summer. Incidentally, they happen to be pink so I thought they'd fit in nicely with the new layout :)

Right now I have a mess of wildflowers growing in and amongst various vegetables in my garden, but I think the pink poppies have got to be my favourites. -A totally unexpected delight. You see, in February I started on a very ambitious project to grow all of the annuals this year from seed using my aerogarden as a growlight...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Eat Pray Love Sophia Loren

Sophia in Boccaccio '70

I actually don't think this post requires anything more than a picture of Sophia Loren in all her glorious womanly beauty, taken from Boccaccio '70. :)

Ok ok maybe one more...

Am thinking the backdrops in this film should get the designsponge "living in" treatment. Such beautiful colours.

....but only because my arm was twisted.

Great movie :)

Hope everyone's summer is going well :) I've got a raspberry curd recipe (including a recipe for rasperry curd chocolate tartlets) coming in soon. Once I edit the pictures that is. A great way to use up those end-of-season berries!

Stay tuned :)


Monday, August 2, 2010

Zucchini Pancakes with Lemon Basil Aioli

As promised :) Please excuse crappy photo quality-I had my camera set to the lowest possible resolution.

This recipe was inspired by the fabulous Cannelle et Vanille, but I added a few of my own tweaks here and there. Make sure to use zucchini which are no more than 4" long because baby zuchs are the most flavourful. I used a gigantic pattypan squash that I picked up at the Dufferin Park farmer's market however, so feel free to experiment with the most flavourful gourds you can get your paws on.

By the way a quick word on the photo: I had a much better photo of all of my ingredients, but it didn't include a certain kitty pretending like he's totally not invading the shot. Nice try, Pumpkin, but I'm on to you.

Bits and Baubles: Rings

Not mine. Although I wish the fab emeralds were...
There are times when I am knee-deep in work that I just want to abandon my desk and go shopping. In fact, the more tedious the work is, the more I yearn for a little (or a lot) of glamour to take the edge off of the tedium

Needless to say, while I continue to wade through a particularly gruesome paper, I thought I'd take a break and share some of the goodies I've compiled over the last little while for just such an occasion. If you've got work you'd rather avoid for a few minutes, take a little break and come dream with me :)

Monday, July 26, 2010


Mmmmm tea.... :) I'm, slogging my way through a paper and all I can think about is making myself some iced chai tea. My fella has some in his pantry that I love to steal. And yes, I could buy my own but it just seems more special to be able to have it when I come over to see him :)

image and a great chai recipe found here
The tea in question is known in these parts as Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and we found it at a fantastic tea shop in Toronto called David's Tea. This Chai blend is your classic combo of black tea with cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg, and is best steeped in a pot of hot milk with a touch of honey. The thing I love most about chai is how multifaceted the taste is: spicy, warm, earthy, and refreshing all at the same time. I highly recommend picking up some chai if you're trying to cut down on coffee consumption or if you like hot cocoa but want to try something new. Actually, while we're on the subject of sweet stuff, why not check out the caramel rooibos? It's smooth and creamy-tasting and will make you go nuts-in a good way. By the way, I'd like to say right now that I am in no way affiliated with David's Tea...although if they would like to compensate me for shamelessly promoting their product that'd be just fine with me :P I just love tea.

I also happen to love the presentation of tea, so when the packaging and the product are gorgeous I get deliriously happy. Par example? Kusmi Teas (seeing as I've already wh0red out David's Tea enough for one blog entry). Kusmi is perhaps one of the oldest tea purveyors in the world; they offer Russian-style blends dating back to the nineteenth century. I had a taste of their Polish blend No. 18 and was in bergamot heaven. And then I saw the tin.

Kusmi Violet Loose Tea (4.4 Ounces)

And then I saw their other tins. Hellooo gorgeous! I am absolutely in love with everything about this tin; the rich colours, the vintage typeface and the chinoiserie-inspired design on the label. Imperial Russian style with French flair. I want to design a room around this freaking tin. Maybe something Ottoman-inspired, with loads of purple silk throw pillows. Not unlike this completely realistic representation of life in Abu Dhabi as featured in Sex and the City 2. Eh, ok let's not go that far, but we can agree that both the tea and the movie are a heck of a lot of fun to look at. Want more? Of course you do!

See you after the jump for some more deliciousness!