Thursday, February 4, 2010

That's Miss Grumpy Tomato to you...

Well the other day was not much of an entry, was it? I suppose that's because as of yet, I am not much of a blogger :) Let me tell you a little bit about myself then. Essentially I have started this blog as a way to organize and expunge my thoughts, feelings, and creative impulses. Let me put it this way: I struggle with keeping on top of things. I also suffer from depression and anxiety. As a result, I often feel overwhelmed by my aforementioned thoughts, feelings and creative impulses. I have trouble organizing all of the little thoughts that go scurrying through my head on a regular basis. I hope that by blogging I can make a little room up in there so that I can focus on tackling the most important things in my life :) Right now, these things include: keeping up with school, bettering my work habits, living my life to the fullest, and being good to those I love. I also hope that blogging will enable me to become more comfortable with writing.

For me, writing anything is both an exercise in joy and one of torture: joy because I get to be creative and to express myself, and torture because I get really anxious about it. (This all of course sounds really lame and self-serving but I feel that I need to get it out.) You know how when you've had food poisoning you never want to see the last thing that you ate ever again? And hey, come to think of it, you never want see food ever again? Yeah, that's how I feel about writing and school in general at times. Like most people, I am both a perfectionist and a procrastinator (kind of a chicken-egg scenario imo), and these qualities are not exactly beneficial to a university student. I am done with my bad habits. Other things I am done with include: being late, being unorganized, looking for distractions, feeling isolated and dislocated from the world, being a hermit, being too tired, giving in to impulses and distractions, and a whole bunch of other thngs I will no doubt think of later.

So the plan is that every day I will blog. I will write about anything and everything. I will spend no more than 20 minutes (so that I don't use this as another distraction). I might sound nuts but honestly I am trying to break some bad habits and I think this might help in some small way :) I hope to post some pictures of projects and little snippets of my life along the way so anyone who comes across this blog might get to know a little bit more about me.

Ok I am running outta time here but here's a little bit about me: I am a student in my 4th year at the University of Toronto. I am female. My family, which causes me no shortage of both heartache and joy, is made up of my mom, 2 sisters, and my hyper-active/hyper-affectionate puppy (he's a full-grown doggy now but I will always call him puppy). I also have a boyfriend (the aforementioned Mr. Awesome-his idea, not mine :P )whom I love dearly :)

Some things I like: Mr. Awesome, cooking, food, decorating, travel, the smell of spring, the colour green, english roses, the movie Amelie, the Washington Capitals, hugs and kisses, arts and crafts, babies (animals included), horses, gardening, laughing and discovering new things.

Some things I dislike: not finding my clothes in the morning, feeling fat, wet feet, suddently feeling like you need to pee when you're walking somewhere and it's freezing cold outside, feeling scattered/distracted, feeling tired and achy, fighting with loved ones, and being really thirsty.

I have already spent about half an hour more on this than I thought I would (I blame Fight Club, which my bf has on in the background ugh) so I think I am going to have to leave it at that. See you tomorrow with what I hope will be a much more interesting entry!

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