Friday, March 5, 2010

Treachery, thy Name is Cadbury Mini Egg... eggs...*drool*...

Ok so now that I have your attention I'm just gonna jot down some stuff real quick. Ok for some reason I have this feeling of total anxiety right now. Like physical knot-in-my-chest-total-sense-of-foreboding kind of anxiety. I haven't felt that way in awhile...but then again I've been absolutely terrible lately when it comes to taking my medication on time (VERY stupid on my part), so perhaps that's it. It could also have something to do with entering this last stretch of the school year. There's loads of work to do, a job to find, family drama to deal with and a constant feeling that there simply won't be enough time to accomplish it all. I am hoping it will pass so I can concentrate a little better tomorrow. Anyhow on with some news...

I have finished a few things from those lists I posted! Now I will undoubtedly be adding many more items to them but it feels good for now to knock some projects out of the way :)

First of all, I've been getting my essay stuff done and eating healthy :) Well ok I totally ate waaayyyyy too many Cadbury Mini Eggs over the last week. My boyfriend bought them for himself but sadly (for him) left them unattended for large parts of time and I..uh....well.... Hey, it's not my fault, he KNOWS that mini-eggs are my kryptonite! More importantly, they're seasonal kryptonite...I only get to have them at one time of year! Ok ok so I owe him a rather large portion of mini-eggs. I need to make a trip to Costco to get a family-size bag or something lol. Seriously though, I love Cadbury mini eggs-which is why I usually keep my distance from them *ahem*.

Ok what I actually meant to tell you is that I got my little decorative box done with. It looks adorable on my dresser, and I can't wait to make a zillion more. That, however, will have to wait because I FINALLY finished the papering of the lampshade I've been ranting for so long about. Tomorrow morning I shall do the final assembly (it's gotta dry overnight) and then post up some picatures.

I also have gotten started on my gardening a little early. Now, I know gardening falls squarely into the realm of old ladies with way too many cats but....I freaking love it. This year I'll am endeavoring to grow some more vegetables and some edible flowers, as well as a bit of a hodge podge of different flowers :) I am doing all of this with the help of my trusty new Aerogarden. It was a gift from the Beer Baron and I have to say that I LOVE it already. I bought a seed-starter kit to grow my wee plantses. I'll upload more photos tomorrow but as of now I have a selection of heirloom tomatoes and hot peppers that are sprouting up a storm after only a few days! :) I also have a tray of peat grow-pods right next to my aerogarden so that the seeds I am starting in the tray get some extra light. All in all I'm very pleased with the progress and I'll be sure to update you all regularly.

Baby beets! They are about 2" tall after only 5 days!

 Mmmmm Black Brandywine tomato seedlings. Not quite ready for my salad :P

Ok so there's a little taste of what's to come :) I am getting a little tired so I think I'll head off to my bed. I've given up staying up past 12:30am for Lent. It'll make me a better person....right...sure. Come to think of it, I should probably have considered giving up Mini Eggs as well.....ok well I think it's time to end that thought and get some sleep. Goodnight! :)


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